Whole body

Leg length discrepancy

Leg length discrepancy (LLD) or anisomelia, is defined as a condition in which the paired lower extremity limbs have a noticeably unequal length. There are two types of LDD; Anatomical which is a structural limb length inequality, the bones of one lower limb are shorter between the hip and ankle. Functional LLD is a non-structural shortening, it is a unilateral asymmetry of the lower extremity without any shortening of the osseous components of the lower limb.

Inflammation or strain of the muscles

A stretching or tearing of a muscle or a tissue connecting muscle to bone (tendon). Most common strains or pulled muscles in the lower extremities exist of hamstring or gastrocnemius strains, but also multiple foot muscles can be strained. Symptoms include pain, swelling, muscle spasms and limited ability to move the muscle.


Instability in the broadest sense may be an indication to visit a podiatrist. Instability is often seen due to hypermobility but may also present itself due to muscle weakness in general or due to chronic diseases as Multiple Sclerosis. Instability itself may not seem very problematic but can result in stumbling, tripping and/or injuries to the body. Treatment may vary in these cases, for chronic diseases it is often a preventive treatment and exercises. Whereas with general muscle weakness or hypermobility the treatment will be focused towards actively improve the stability of the feet, knees, hips and back.


Joint hypermobility syndrome is when you have very flexible joints, and it causes you pain (you may think of yourself as being double-jointed). It usually affects children and young people and often gets better as you get older. You can imagen being very flexible may affect your posture. For example, having very mobile flat feet which result in knock knees and may eventually lead to other complaints in the foot, knee, hip or even lower back. Instability during one legged squats is a common symptom seen in people with hypermobility. 


Widespread muscle pain and tenderness. Fibromyalgia is often accompanied by fatigue and altered sleep, memory and mood. Widespread muscle pain and tenderness are the most common symptoms, but pain can also present itself in the bones. Treatment exists of supporting the affected muscles and areas to relieve pain, possibly together with some exercises.

Diabetic foot

A diabetic foot is any pathology that results directly from peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and/or sensory neuropathy affecting the feet in diabetes mellitus; it is a long-term (or "chronic") complication of diabetes mellitus. In laymen’s terms, the blood flow to the affected foot is impaired due to diabetes and the sensory nerve ends are less susceptive to information. This may result in, the patient not feeling a small pebble in his shoe and still be able to walk without any discomfort. Eventually, this will result in an ulcer. A diabetic wound which may heal badly due to the impaired blood flow. Other symptoms can be general instability during walking or standing, especially with the eyes closed. We cannot heal the diabetic foot, but we do provide information for footcare and are able to deliver preventive care in forms of pressure relieve and exercises.