A Laufgsund specialist carefully explaining a custom insole using a foot model, showcasing how personalized support can set children’s feet up for a healthy future.


Tip-toe walking

Tip-toe walking occurs relatively often in children and is mainly shown by the fact that the child mainly walks on tiptoe. It is important to recognize tiptoe at an early stage in order to avoid problems in adulthood. Problems with balancing, equilibrium and running can arise even in childhood due to the different gait and stance.


In-toeing, also known as Pigeon toe, this abnormal gait pattern is mainly seen in children but can still be visible at a later age. Many children walk from the moment they can walk with their feet turned inwards; this is normal. The big toes point towards each other, as it were. In general, a child will stumble more often than peers. When tired, in-toeing often becomes more visible and the child can also stumble more often. The abnormal gait in itself usually does not cause pain complaints.


Joint hypermobility syndrome is when you have very flexible joints, and it causes you pain (you may think of yourself as being double-jointed). It usually affects children and young people and often gets better as you get older. You can imagen being very flexible may affect your posture. For example, having very mobile flat feet which result in knock knees and may eventually lead to other complaints in the foot, knee, hip or even lower back. Instability during one legged squats is a common symptom seen in people with hypermobility. 


Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine. Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine that occurs most often during the growth spurt just before puberty. While scoliosis can be caused by conditions such as cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy, the cause of most scoliosis is unknown. One of the reasons may be a leg length discrepancy, for unknown reasons one leg can growth faster during development. In this case it is advised to correct the discrepancy and keep close monitoring on the development of your child. These discrepancies are often temporary, but if it is not corrected the spine may develop in a scoliotic position. This condition is often treated together with physiotherapie.

Scheuermann's disease

Also known as Scheuermann’s kyphosis, can lead to a rounded upper back, sometimes called a humpback, in otherwise healthy adolescents. Scheuermann's disease is among the most frequent sources of back pain in young people, with pain more likely to follow either exertion or long periods of inactivity. This disease is part of a group of osteochondrosis diseases.

Morbus Köhler 1

Köhler disease is a rare bone disorder of the foot found in children between six and nine years of age. Köhler disease is known to affect five times more boys than girls and typically, only one foot is affected. Köhler disease is a rare bone disorder, osteochondrosis of the navicular bone. characterized by a painful swollen foot. The foot is especially tender along the length of the arch. It may include redness of the affected area. Putting weight on the foot or walking is difficult, causing further discomfort and a limp.