A Laufgsund specialist carefully explaining a custom insole using a foot model, showcasing how personalized support can set children’s feet up for a healthy future.


Nonspecific lower back pain

Non-specific low back pain means that the pain is not due to any specific or underlying disease that can be found. It is thought that in some cases the cause may be a sprain (an over-stretch) of a ligament or muscle.

Bechterew's disease

Also known as ankylosing spondylitis (AS), is a chronic inflammatory rheumatic disease that primarily affects the spinal column. The condition is more common among men and usually begins in early adulthood. Symptoms typically appear in early adulthood and include reduced flexibility in the spine. This reduced flexibility eventually results in a hunched-forward posture. Pain in the back and joints is also common. Inflammatory back pain is characterized by intense pain in the second half of the night, possible morning stiffness, and improvement with rising and movement.

Scheuermann's disease

Also known as Scheuermann’s kyphosis, can lead to a rounded upper back, sometimes called a humpback, in otherwise healthy adolescents. Scheuermann's disease is among the most frequent sources of back pain in young people, with pain more likely to follow either exertion or long periods of inactivity. This disease is part of a group of osteochondrosis diseases.

Lumbar spinal stenosis (Spinalstenosis)

Lumbar spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal, compressing the nerves traveling through the lower back into the legs. While it may affect younger patients, due to developmental causes, it is more often a degenerative condition that affects people who are typically age 60 and older. Symptoms include pain or cramping in the legs when standing for long periods or when walking. The discomfort usually eases when bending forward or sitting down.


Fractures caused by osteoporosis most often occur in the spine. These spinal fractures — called vertebral compression fractures — occur in nearly 700,000 patients each year. They are almost twice as common as other fractures typically linked to osteoporosis, such as broken hips and wrists.


A spinal disorder in which a bone (vertebra) slips forward onto the bone below it. Spondylolisthesis risk factors include sports that put stress on the bones in the lower back, such as gymnastics and football. Genetics may also put some people at increased risk. If the vertebra slips too far, it may press on nerves and cause severe back pain or nerve crowding that produces leg pain or numbness.