Custom-made orthotic insoles designed for personalized foot support

Treating osteoarthritis and joint pain

Osteoarthritis is a common condition characterized by joint pain, which is particularly noticeable in cold and damp weather. But what exactly is behind this uncontrollable, weather-dependent, and suddenly occurring painful condition? In this blog article, you will find out how shoe insoles and physiotherapy can help with osteoarthritis.

What is arthrosis

In comparison to arthritis, arthrosis is primarily a non-inflammatory joint disease. Arthrosis develops due to years of overuse – or rather, an imbalance between the load and relief of the joints. Often, a combination of overweight and poor nutrition also plays a role. Arthrosis is a condition in which the cartilage between two bones has lost its quality. Cartilage enables smooth joint movement. In arthrosis, the cartilage becomes thinner and softer. This affects both the cartilage and bone structure, ultimately leading to joint deformity. Arthrosis is a slowly progressing process. This means it will not disappear and will gradually worsen. Therefore, symptoms will always be present to some extent. Arthrosis is not an age-related disease and can occur in any age and in all joints.

 The Cause of Arthrosis

Arthrosis is a hereditary condition that primarily affects women. Besides genetics, factors such as joint overload due to overweight, body misalignments, or incorrect loading during sports or work contribute to its onset. Arthrosis cases increase with age due to lack of movement. Additionally, congenital misalignments such as an untreated hip dysplasia or traumatic injury resulting from an accident can cause Arthrosis. It is important to note that Arthrosis is often caused by a combination of these factors rather than a single trigger.

In which Joints can Arthrosis Occur

The most common sites for arthrosis are the knee joint (gonarthrosis) and the hip joint (coxarthrosis). It can also occur in the back. In the lower extremities, the following variants are also found:
- Arthrosis in the ankle joint
- Arthrosis in the midfoot
- Arthrosis in the base joint of the big toe, known as Hallux Rigidus.

In addition to the areas mentioned above, other joints in the foot, such as the joints between the tarsal bones and the metatarsal bones, can also be affected by arthrosis.

    Symtoms of Arthrosis

    The affected cartilage can result in pain and a loss of joint mobility. In the initial stage, there are primarily starting pains after a period of rest. Later, in addition to starting pains, there are also loading and resting pains in the joint. In this advanced stage, inflammation can also occur. Later, there is restricted movement and instability in the affected joint. This, in turn, can trigger misalignments in other joints that are not yet affected if a protective posture is adopted. Swelling may also occur.

    Diagnosis in Case of Arthrosis

    The diagnosis of arthrosis is confirmed by imaging such as X-rays of the affected joint. The joint is X-rayed from two planes to identify radiological signs of arthrosis. One sign of this is narrowing of the joint space, loss of joint cartilage, and/or calcification of the joint capsule.

    Conservative Therapy

    The goal of conservative treatment is to postpone surgery as much as possible. If overweight is a reason for joint overloading, sustainable weight reduction is recommended. If the upper extremities are affected, occupational therapy is recommended. When arthrosis is diagnosed in the lower extremities, it is advisable to start with physiotherapeutic treatment.

    Insoles for Arthrosis

    Shoe inserts play an important role in the treatment of arthrosis in the foot, knee, or hip. They provide support and relief by improving foot mechanics and reducing stress on the affected joints. By properly aligning the foot, inserts can help alleviate pain and discomfort, especially during walking or standing. Shoe inserts provide cushioning to reduce pressure on the joints and improve mobility. Professionally fitted inserts are crucial to ensure optimal fit and support. Overall, shoe inserts can offer an effective and comfortable solution to alleviate the symptoms of arthrosis and improve mobility.

    Stabilitätstraining Physio

    Physiotherapy for Arthrosis

    In physiotherapy, the arthrosis patient is first informed about the symptoms. Only a well-informed patient can effectively manage their symptoms and act appropriately. After the explanation, the focus is primarily on regaining mobility and building muscle strength. The goal is to restore the balance between load and relief. Therapy usually includes gentle strength and stability exercises, mobilization, stretching techniques, as well as massage and ultrasound therapy.

    Simple exercises that can be easily integrated into daily life can reduce pain without medication.

    MBT M800 vonLaufgsund
    Anovaschuhe und Schuheinlagen

    Choosing Footwear for Arthrosis

    The effects of inserts can best be realized with suitable footwear. Shoes from Anova are optimal for this. The integrated rolling aid and shock-absorbing effect help to protect the joints.

    Anova shoes are an excellent option for people with foot arthrosis. These specially designed orthopedic shoes provide support that reduces the strain on the affected joints. With their shock-absorbing properties, Anova shoes offer effective relief and comfort while walking. Additionally, they promote optimal foot mechanics and alignment, which can help alleviate pain and discomfort. The combination of high-quality materials and modern design makes Anova shoes an attractive choice for people with arthrosis looking for a comfortable and supportive solution to improve mobility and quality of life.

    On the other hand, MBT shoes are known for their special sole technology, which creates natural instability and activates and strengthens muscles. Although they may have positive effects for some people with arthrosis, they may be too unstable for others and put additional strain on the joints.
    Ultimately, the choice between Anova and MBT shoes depends on individual needs and preferences. Professional advice can help find the right option to alleviate pain, improve mobility, and enhance quality of life. We are here to assist you!

    When to Consider Surgery

    Unfortunately, surgery is unavoidable in some cases. If arthrosis severely impacts quality of life, relief can be achieved through the implantation of an artificial joint (endoprosthesis). Sometimes joint fusion is advisable. The orthopedists at In Motion are happy to provide you with more information on this topic.

    If you want to learn more about surgical techniques, please visit the In-Motion website.

    FAQ Arthrosis

    Do Shoe Inserts Work for Arthrosis?

    Yes, shoe inserts can help alleviate arthrosis symptoms such as pain and discomfort by improving foot mechanics and reducing stress on the affected joints.

    Are Custom-Made Inserts Better for Arthrosis?

    Custom-made inserts provide individualized fit and support tailored to the individual's needs. Therefore, they can often be more effective than standardized inserts.

    How Can Physiotherapy Help with Arthrosis?

    Physiotherapy can help with arthrosis by offering exercises to strengthen muscles, improve mobility, and alleviate pain. It can also include techniques to enhance joint function and movement coordination.

    What Role Does Shoe Selection Play in Arthrosis?

    Shoe selection plays an important role in managing arthrosis. Comfortable shoes with adequate cushioning, stability, and support can help alleviate pain and reduce stress on the joints.

    Which Types of Orthopedic Shoes are Best for Arthrosis?

    For arthrosis, specially tailored orthopedic shoes like Anova shoes or MBT shoes can be an effective solution. These shoes provide support, cushioning, and stability to alleviate arthrosis symptoms and improve mobility.

    Can the Use of Orthopedic Shoes Slow Down the Progression of Arthrosis?

    Orthopedic shoes can help alleviate arthrosis symptoms and improve quality of life, but they cannot completely halt the progression of the condition. However, they are an important component of holistic treatment to minimize the impact of arthrosis.

    Do You Have Such or Similar Symptoms? 
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    Conclusion: enhancing your quality of life with osteoarthritis

    Osteoarthritis is a common joint disease characterized by cartilage degradation, joint pain, and limited mobility. Early treatment is crucial to slow down joint wear and maintain quality of life. Measures such as physiotherapy, custom-made insoles, and footwear adjustments can help improve mobility and reduce inflammation. Personalized therapy is key to alleviating symptoms and leading an active life despite osteoarthritis.