Runner mid-stride in a forest, featured in a blog about hip issues while running. Laufgsund offers personalized treatments to help runners overcome hip pain and improve performance.

Hip pain when jogging

Jogging can put a lot of strain on the hip joint and cause pain. Overloading is often the reason for discomfort during and after jogging. This arises primarily from too long, intensive running units or from insufficient regeneration. A typical consequence of the overload is a bursitis of the so-called trochanteric bursits. Pain located deep on the side of the hip may be an indication of this.

Cooling promises relief, but anti-inflammatory painkillers should be avoided because inflammation can optimize the healing process. Depending on the severity of the pain and its duration, it is advisable to consult a doctor as soon as possible in order to determine which form of therapy is indicated.

Prevent hip problems
Now that we work at home, we no longer bike to work. We walk or run less so as not to miss the train or bus and we no longer have to climb as many stairs to get to the office.

After a few weeks we will find that we are less fit. Fortunately, our bodies can reverse this process too! If we reintegrate short moments of sport and exercise into our lives, it can make a big difference. For example, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, sleep quality, cognitive performance and feelings of anxiety can all improve after just a few moments of exercise. These effects are of course even greater if we keep moving for a long time.

 In addition, there is a lower risk of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity, fractures and some forms of cancer. Also not unimportant: when we are fitter, we often have a better immune system.

Exercise also improves cognition. One of the reasons is that blood pressure and blood flow increase throughout the body, including the brain. More blood means more energy and oxygen and that makes our brain work better. The hippocampus, the part of our brain that is very important for learning and memory, is very active when we move.

Demonstrating the lack of support in flimsy shoes, Laufgsund's blog highlights the risks of wearing unsupportive footwear while running and how proper shoes can prevent hip and foot issues.

The right footwear

Regularly, hip pain also occurs in connection with an incorrect load.

The cause is often the unsuitable footwear. The sole shouldn't be too hard and the cushioning shouldn't be too soft, which is often the case with old and worn shoes. It is advisable to invest in high quality running shoes and to replace them if they show signs of wear. Apart from choosing the right shoe, any foot or leg axis misalignments should also be clarified.

Feet on custom-made insoles, featured in Laufgsund's blog on running health. Discover how personalized insoles can prevent hip and foot pain, offering the perfect support for every step.

Foot and leg axes

Misalignments of the foot or leg axis result in an unbalanced running style that disrupts the functional interaction of foot, knee and hip joints, which sooner or later shows up in pain and wear and tear.

Since every foot is individual, a running analysis is recommended in order to find the right shoe for every runner and to supplement it with a possibly necessary shoe insert that corrects misalignments. It is important that shoe insoles should be viewed as a temporary solution. With the right strengthening exercises that your physiotherapist carries out with you, misalignments can be completely eliminated.

Flexibility and strong muscles
Often hip problems are also related to damage to muscles or tendons. They are usually caused by too large jumps in the training load in terms of intensity or distance. Why it is worthwhile to increase the training demands moderately. This gives the body the opportunity to adapt to the ever increasing stress.

Symptoms of inflammation include swelling, redness, warmth, pain, and general immobility. Deep-seated inflammations, such as those caused by incorrect loading, are often only indicated by immobility and pain. The hip flexors or gluteal muscles are most commonly affected. Exercises that strengthen the leg and buttock muscles are therefore useful. It is important that these can only be carried out during symptom-free phases. In addition, mobility training can be performed to maintain the flexibility of the hip joint.

Acute pain
Acute pain is treated in physiotherapy using soft tissue techniques and manual therapy. In a second step, you will receive individual exercises for stretching, loosening and strengthening muscles and tendons and learn to do them properly at home. This is usually combined with the so-called gait school, where you train the correct gait and a healthy posture. This will keep you symptom free in the long term.


This blog was created in collaboration between ZüriBalance Physiotherapy and Podotherapy Laufgsund. You can find more information on our website.

Zuri Balance Physiotherapy logo, featuring a gold feather, symbolizing balance and wellness. Proud collaboration partner for Laufgsund’s blog on health and movement.